Big Huge Army II


15-03-2005 15:04:35

Feedback please. This is 1st draft of rules for this.

The goal - to have fun in the sandbox where the bigger boys cant get you and produce as much military as possible within 15 minutes while reaching Gunpowder age. (sorry sims a goal of 100 units is impractical due to participants needing to count while playing...)

Included in this military should be at least 2 seige and an ordinary general (not a despot etc, so you'll have to make a fort). Spies scouts and supply wagons count as military units.

All nations wonders and maps allowed. (map size 2/3 player)

1 winner for each category.

Land maps and Water maps categories (water maps incl watering hole, outback and great lakes)

No of players 1 (you)

Basic Military requirements. Feedback from the 1st competition was that there was no defensive measures being taken early and so a Big Huge Army was impractical for online play. To remedy this I will suggest and hopefully some agreement can be reached as to what is appropriate defensive measures. In my mind a BHA strat would be used by a pocket player in team games and so the military requirements early will not be as high as needed in 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 games.

I thought....

Ancient age - military research and a tower in cap.

Classical age - Stable, Rax, Despot/patriot, 2 cav 2 infantry

Medieval age - best go hard u need a lotta units to beat bird!

Ok peeps, tell me what I've forgot....



15-03-2005 19:17:35

Military research and tower are often not needed in Ancient. Towers in classical are cheaper. It is sometimes good to delay mil1 and mil2 by making their costs cheaper after despotism is researched. Maybe there is no Ancient requirements and add a tower in Classical requirements.


15-03-2005 19:31:05

Probably better just to have "get to classical by 5 mins" requirement or something like that


15-03-2005 20:46:55

ships count as military units?

17-03-2005 09:57:15

Make a proposition with clearly rules.

Cause ou make normal rules and add [quote6b68c9ac41]Basic Military requirements. Feedback from the 1st competition was that there was no defensive measures being taken early and so a Big Huge Army was impractical for online play. To remedy this I will suggest and hopefully some agreement can be reached as to what is appropriate defensive measures. In my mind a BHA strat would be used by a pocket player in team games and so the military requirements early will not be as high as needed in 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 games.

I thought....

Ancient age - military research and a tower in cap.

Classical age - Stable, Rax, Despot/patriot, 2 cav 2 infantry

Medieval age - best go hard u need a lotta units to beat bird!

Ok peeps, tell me what I've forgot.... [/quote6b68c9ac41]
Player won't start to play unteal they see clear rules. I and players don't want to heard "no you didn't make stable..." restart...
I think you need organisation p

17-03-2005 09:59:46

I would add that 15 minute is not really realist. 12 -13 minute is better. Cause you have too boom fast and help your teamate. (of course we will always se the same civ but too have a fast army you have to use some civ.

OK I have An Idea you I post my rules and you say if you are agree.

17-03-2005 10:10:53

[quote814b3870a9]Feedback please. This is 1st draft of rules for this.

The goal - to have fun in the sandbox where the bigger boys cant get you and produce as much military as possible within 13 minutes while reaching Gunpowder age. Unit have to be Uped.

Included in this military should be at least 2 seige and an ordinary general, 2 Spies, 2 scouts and 1 supply wagons do not count as military units.
In a reallist aim we want to see normal army. Then a minimum of
8HC , 4HI , and 8 LI/ Bowman alowed for Koreans, Brits, Nubians.
Allways in a realist aim player have to get a stable during classical and a barack during Middle age. And be at classical before 5min cap.

All nations wonders and maps allowed (map size 2/3 player).
No territory or wonder victory.
No of players 1 (you)

1 winner for each category
Category are
-Land maps (
-Water maps categories (water maps incl watering hole, outback and great lakes)

4 price are send
-Best Land boomer
-Best Walter map Boomer
-Biger Unit productor
-Best Ranked boomer[/quote814b3870a9]
Sound good for you ?

Info race luv D


18-03-2005 10:44:50

fuck off funny guy

On second thoughts fuck right off. You interfere with my posts like that again i'll have you banned i don't give a shit who you are.


18-03-2005 10:49:20

Can I get that print picture in this thread for public to see now sims?

18-03-2005 12:16:05

I don't understand ^^.
Oh , I'm Ne0PHenIXXX or TuF_StoNe_

But I posted (spammed D) on years ago


18-03-2005 12:20:45

lol, i think's post don't make sense all the time since he doesn't speak english as his first language. but i think he means no harm.

what do u mean by the "print picture" thread

18-03-2005 13:34:29

but you like the idea ?

re write it in good english p. But don't you like my idea ^o) ?


18-03-2005 14:06:36

I don't like being misquoted.

I posted prize in concealed wondering if you could display it here sims.

you suggest 4 prizes - you supplying two of them huh? I not only don't like your ideas I think they are clueless.


18-03-2005 14:24:04

Actually, I'm just being rude again and I am trying to stop being an asshole to folk.

Apologies mr lol I'll take a look through ideas when I'm less busy/tired and I can give you reasonable feedback.

18-03-2005 14:46:30

oh they are prize , OMG I didn't know p. (weak english) hehe, do what you want I just want to add an idea to make things funnier and better )